Wednesday, January 30, 2013


India vs. England test series review 
India  won  the first  test  by 10 wickets  then they  suffered heavy  defeat the  shocking  aspect  was  in ability  of the  spinners  to  take  wickets and Indian  batman  who r considered  best  players of spin  bowling  were  having  trouble  playing  spin in  their  own  backyard  except  for  ashwin  and  pujara  none of  the  top  order  batsmen  got runs  to be  able  to post  big  scores  on  the  board  to  put  any  kind  of  pressure  on English  batsman  English  were  led  by their  captain  alester  cook  who  had  an outstanding  series  with  the  bat and  as a  captain  he was  well  supported  by kevin  Peterson  who  made  a series  defining  century  in  the 2nd test  on a  turning  track  their  spinners   were  outstanding  even  fast  bowlers   picked  up  crucial  wicket’s which  played  a significant  role  in  England  winning  the  test  series  2/1 after  28 years  on  Indian  soil  but the  series completely  turned  in  English  favor was  words said  by MS dhoni  after  the  first  test  I WANT  A TRACK  WHICH  TAKES  TURN  FROM  DAY  1 IT SURELY  TURNED TABLES  ON  INDIA

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